Punjab Health Minister Dr. Yasmin Rashid has said that the Department of Specialized Healthcare and Medical Education Punjab has introduced a new policy on local purchase of medicines.
In a statement issued here on Saturday, she said the new policy would set a new standard of transparency in the health department. She said that Secretary Health Punjab Dr. Ahmed Javed Qazi and his team deserved congratulations. She said the new policy of local purchase would increase the trend of competition. She said that the provision of free medicines to patients would be improved. She said the entire system had been computerized under the new policy. She said that providing free and quality medicines to patients in hospitals was the top priority of the government.
LWMC, Thai company sign MoU for waste to energy project: A delegation of Prime Waste Energy Company of Thailand met with the Lahore Waste Management Company (LWMC) Chief Executive Officer Ali Anan Qamar here on Saturday.
According to LWMC sources here, the important points regarding waste to energy project came under discussion in the meeting, after which Memorandum of Understanding was also signed between LWMC and Prime Waste Energy Company.
LWMC CEO said that Prime Waste Energy Company was successfully operating waste to energy project in Thailand, Combodia, Taiwan and Japan.
Ali Anan Qamar said “Thailand has expressed interest in waste to energy project and Prime Waste Energy Company wants to make a direct investment of 225 million dollars.” CEO said that the Energy Company had expressed interest to set up 50 mega watt plant.
LWMC would provide 2500 tons of waste on regular basis for 50MW plant, he added.
He further said that interest of Thailand in waste to energy project was good sign and added that the project would create a lot of job opportunities for local people.
CEO said that all possible cooperation would be provided for materializing waste to energy project.