Participants of a two day International conference on “transition of traditional universities to online mode” organized by Directorate of Distance Learning Faculty of Education of the International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI) have called for developing a comprehensive legislative framework for indigenous digital culture. They opined that teachers should be fully equipped with the digital skills to create collaborative learning environment in online distance learning mod of education.
In this conference that was held here at the Faisal Masjid Campus, the participants recommended that using the best of traditional and online instruction to develop a better future for higher education, four level competencies are important for media literacy including media knowledge, media analysis, media critics and media creation. The conference experts and speakers also agreed that universities need a three-pronged approach across strategy, policy and pedagogy to identify the right hybrid model for their institution and students. They suggested to combine outcome based education with e-learning and observe students behaviors and their interaction styles using Learning Management System, and provide insights on their progress.
In the conference, participants addressed the emerging issues and challenges in the distance education and e-learning. Renowned national and international academicians and researchers expressed views on the ultimate possibilities and guidelines for the maximum role of distance education and e-learning in the national development.
More than 300 researchers, keynote speakers, educationists, experts are participating and it will witness around 70 papers from the presenters hailing from Austria, USA, Lebanon and Pakistan who will participate in conference physically and through online mode.
The participants discussed adaptation to new technologies ,best practices in online learning , blended learning , communication challenges in e- learning during covid-19 , e-learning strategies, evaluation in online learning, future of online learning for universities, learning management systems, needs and challenges of online learning and research models & paradigms in online learning.
Addressing the concluding ceremony as Chief Guest, Dr. Shahid Mehmood Baig, Chairman Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF) said that after the pandemic, the education has a new landscape and online teaching and learning has emerged as the leading mode of learning. He said there are challenges in the country when we talk about ODL that can be catered and it can pave the way towards easy and quality education. He elaborated the scope and programs of PSF and offered maximum support for such initiatives and conferences. He also called for increasing the spending on the science and technology mentioning that things have started to get better through support of government. He stressed upon launching competitive research programs hoping that HEC and universities will keep contributing in best manner in this regards.
The concluding ceremony of the conference was also attended by Acting President, Professor Dr Nabi Bux Jumani.
Professor Dr. Samina Malik, Vice President Female Campus said in her address that education makes the fate of nations, the transition in education because of technology has changed the landscape of learning. She added that distance learning, blended learning and online modes have proved that online mode is one of the best models for teaching and learning. She opined that future belongs to the online learning, yet we still have a long way to go as there are many challenges in the country to acquire, learn and implement these technologies. She said there are many challenges such as accessibility of internet. She also highlighted the importance of assessment factor in the teaching and learning in the online modes.
Professor Dr. Muhammad Sarwar, Dean Faculty of Education thanked the IIUI management and collaborators for the support in organizing the two day conference. He also highlighted the importance of transition towards ODL. Dr. Asmatullah Khan, Director Directorate of Distance Learning, Dean computing IIUI in his vote of thanks hailed the cooperation of the collaborators and thanked for active participation of national and international speakers and participants. Earlier, Dr. Fouzia Ajmal, focal person presented the report and recommendation of the conference. She told that more than 30 universities are participated in this conference through participants and speakers.
The International speakers included Prof. Dr. Thomas Alfred Bauer (University of Vienna, Austria), Prof. Dr Victoria S. Brown Professor of Teaching and Learning Florida Atlantic University USA, Prof. Maha R. Sourani (Lebanese University Lebanon) and Ms Ramya Srinivasan (Customer Success Director Coursera) joined virtually. The national key note speakers included Prof Dr. Shoab A Khan National University of Science and Technology, Islamabad, Prof. Dr. Tamim Ahmad Khan Bahria University Islamabad, Prof. Dr. Tanveer Afzal (Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University, Islamabad) and Prof. Dr. Asmat Ullah Khan Dean Faculty of Computing/Director DDL IIUI.